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Please note: Moor paste baths can only be administered upon presentation of a prescription from a practising doctor.

Studies and balneological assessment of the bathing peat from Hochmoos healing moor bath:

In accordance with Salzburg's act on 'natural health-promoting substances and spas' (Heilvorkommen- und Kurortegesetz), prescribed analysis was carried out by the Institute of Balneology, at the University of Graz by Dr. Herbert Greschonig in June 2012. In summary,  the peat from Hochmoos moor pool was judged to be a well established, predominantly organic, upland moor peat. It has a very good water retention capacity, good thermophysical properties and favourable chemical and physical properties. The upland moor at Bad Hochmoos is hygienically pure and of balneological importance.


Chronic, rheumatic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, follow-up treatment after injury and operations, issues affecting women: chronic inflammation of the genital organs, disturbances to the menstrual cycle, sterility, menopausal issues, vegetative endocrine disturbances in the minor pelvis, convalescence after gynaecological operations.


Serious heart and circulatory illnesses, acute inflammation and feverish illnesses, bleeding and risk of bleeding, malignant tumours, psychoses and seizure disorders, tuberculosis.

With regard to reimbursement of costs, it is recommended that you contact a relevant health insurance provider prior to the treatment. We do not bill health insurance companies direct. A long-term treatment generally lasts three to four months and will also include considerably discounted massage treatments.


+43 6588 8226 25

Dr. G. Schlederer (Spa Medical Director) Tel. +43 6588 8388

"Das wichtigste Stück eines Reisegepäcks ist und bleibt ein fröhliches Herz"

Gasthof-Bad Hochmoos

Familie Schlechter
A-5092 St.Martin bei Lofer Nr.3
Salzbuger Saalachtal
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