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Sustainable by train:

to Salzburg, Freilassing or Bad Reichenhall. Other nearby train stations are Saalfelden and St.Johann in Tirol.

In summer you can travel for free with the Saalachtalcard from Saalfelden or Salzburg by public transport using the Post-Bus.

Gasthof-Bad Hochmoos
Familie Schlechter
A-5092 St.Martin bei Lofer Nr.3
Salzbuger Saalachtal
  • E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Bank-Informations  
     Bank-Name:  RAIBA St. Martin bei Lofer
     Konto-Inhaber: Gasthof Hochmoos KG
     IBAN:  AT23 3506 0000 0001 8028
     BIC (SWIFT):  RVSAAT2S060

The most important item of any luggage is and always will be a joyful heart

Familie Schlechter
A-5092 St.Martin bei Lofer Nr.3
Salzbuger Saalachtal
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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