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Skiing and snowboarding – 

Whether it is skiing or snowboarding – in Salzburger Saalachtal you get to experience the loveliest fun on the pistes. Almenwelt Lofer has already received multiple awards for being a family-friendly ski area in Austria. Little skiers and snowboarders have a huge amount of fun on the roof-topped magic carpet, teenagers can let off steam with friends while freestyling, meanwhile parents can do their turns on the perfectly prepared pistes.

In the most family-friendly ski region in Austria, Almenwelt Lofer, there are special family offers. Making those first turns on skis or enjoying some relaxing skiing with friends and family – here, nestling amid the impressive giant mountains, you get to experience an unforgettable ski holiday.

Should you not have your own ski equipment, you can hire it from our ski experts in the town.


The most important item of any luggage is and always will be a joyful heart

Familie Schlechter
A-5092 St.Martin bei Lofer Nr.3
Salzbuger Saalachtal
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